Title - Minaret Top I, II, III
Year - 2023 - 2024
Medium - Hand wire knit (pleated silver and bronze)
Year - 2023 - 2024
Medium - Hand wire knit (pleated silver and bronze)
Inspired by the elegant silhouettes of minarets beckoned from driving around Ras al Khaimah, their diverse shapes and forms captivated me, and right at that moment, I could see this architecture inspiring my new knitting form to my sculptures. At the beginning of my research, I stumbled upon Dr. Sabah el Sayed Soliman's journal. An Associate Professor at the Architecture Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt. The title of her journal captured my attention: "Between the Turbans and the Tops of minarets of the Middle Age in Cairo, an approach to designing styles." These led my journey to the minaret's top, the highest point of the mosque; the turban is the highest part of a person, and Ras al Khaimah is the top of the tent.